Joni B. Cole
Author • Teacher • Speaker

Now available wherever books are sold!
Order here: Amazon IndieBound

“Finding the funny” is a daunting task these days, and it’s Ms. Cole’s super-power. Her essays are relatable and unsparing and filled with everyday human moments and thoughts (thousands of thoughts per day as it turns out)." Artful (Full Review)
"Fabulously readable and thoroughly engaging..."

craft talks
1:1 coaching
teaching &


Series creator Joni B. Cole was having a bad day when she conceived the idea for the “This Day” books. Trying to deal with a serious illness in her family, job woes, and a child who refused to wear socks in the winter, she wondered if any one else was feeling so low. Surely not. But what were other women doing and feeling and thinking on this very same day? And so a book series was born out of self pity, curiosity, and a need to connect. Each book in the three-volume collection invited about five-hundred women across the country and from all walks of life to create a day diary on a single day…and share it with the reading public.
"Vibrant, provocative, funny, and flavorful."
—Joan Frank, author of Late Work
Series creator Joni B. Cole was having a bad day when she conceived the idea for the “This Day” books. Trying to deal with a serious illness in her family, job woes, and a child who refused to wear socks in the winter, she wondered if any one else was feeling so low. Surely not. But what were other women doing and feeling and thinking on this very same day? And so a book series was born out of self pity, curiosity, and a need to connect. Each book in the three-volume collection invited about five-hundred women across the country and from all walks of life to create a day diary on a single day…and share it with the reading public.
"My teaching begins with the assumption: If you show up in class, you're a writer. I focus on craft. CRAFT. CRAFT. CRAFT. I don't let writers trash people's work, including their own. I have people share their drafts, however rough, to expose the mysteries of the creative process. My FEEDBACK starts with appreciation. I believe in building stories from their strengths up. I don't let anything slide. I have pet peeves, mostly to do with characters who cry. (A little weeping goes a long way.) Even the most accomplished writers benefit from the DEADLINES and VALIDATION a workshop provides. I know how to help aspiring authors get started, and get out of their own way. I know how to help them FINISH. My goal is to make people want to bound to their writing desks, whistling in ANTICIPATION of the work ahead. Short of that, I want them to know that the struggle to find the right words is WORTH IT. Because it is."
Founder of the Writer's Center of White River Junction, Vermont, Joni works individually with aspiring and seasoned authors, helping them to find their voice and develop their projects every draft of the way. She teaches a variety of workshops in fiction and creative nonfiction online and in person. She has taught in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program at Dartmouth College, and as part of the faculty of the former New Hampshire Institute of Art (now part of New England College). She is also a frequent guest instructor and speaker at universities, libraries and conferences. Joni also leads expressive writing workshops at a diversity of nonprofit organizations.
For info about workshops, click here.
Back by Popular Demand! The Good Naked Weekend Write-Away IN PERSON
Friday, November 1 – Sunday, November 3
Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction, VT
Facilitator: Joni Cole
$395 (includes dinner Friday evening; breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday; Sunday light breakfast; plus snacks throughout the weekend)
One of the most productive things we can do as writers is shed our fears and share our efforts. To that end, this gathering of 20 writers minimum (maximum 25) offers a weekend of interactive workshops, quality instruction, and lots of motivation and inspiration. Our prompt sessions provide a crash course on narrative craft. Plus, our workshop on revision, our feedback “salons” and other events offer tips on craft and the creative process that will serve you every draft of the way. Especially fun, our “Open Mic Openings” event gives you the opportunity to read aloud for appreciation and insights. Come. Write. And learn from our collective wisdom. Newbies and seasoned authors welcome. Please leave all self-doubts at the door. To confirm your participation or request more info: email
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations before September 15, 2024 will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations between September 15 – October 15, 2024 will incur a 30% fee. Cancellations after October 15, 2024 are non-refundable. When you register for the Good Naked Weekend Write-Away, you agree to these terms.

Photo Credit: Helmut Baer
JONI B. COLE is a writing instructor and author of seven books, including the acclaimed new essay collection Party Like It's 2044, described by scholar and humorist Gina Barreca as, “Fabulously readable and thoroughly engaging, it is Cole’s voice that makes her stories sing. Whether she’s leading us into laughter, or holding our hand through dazzling moments of emotional recognition, Cole takes writing seriously while taking herself lightly, and thereby illuminating the world with these memorable essays.” Joni also has authored two books for writers: Good Naked: How to Write More, Write Better, and Be Happier (listed as one of the "Best Books for Writers" by Poets & Writers magazine); and Toxic Feedback: Helping Writers Survive and Thrive (“strongly recommended” for students and teachers by Library Journal). Nominated for a US Fellowship Award and Pushcart Prize, she created the three-volume “This Day” series that shares a day in the life of hundreds of women across America (“fascinating and eye-opening,” Publisher's Weekly). For twenty-five years, Joni has taught online and in-person creative writing to adults through her own Writer's Center in White River Junction, Vermont, as well as at academic programs and conferences around the country.
A freelance writer and literary consultant. Joni is a contributor to The Writer magazine, the Jane Friedman blog, and other publications. She served as program director for Bookstock Literary Festival 2022, creating and overseeing 36 author events for this 3-day festival. In addition, she works as a creative consultant for a variety of individual clients, as well as academic and nonprofit organizations.
Joni teaches a series of online creative writing workshops and retreats through her own Writer's Center in White River Junction, Vermont. She also teaches through Maine Media College, Dartmouth College, and other institutions. Joni also leads writing workshops at women’s shelters, the VA hospital, the Hood Museum of Art, and at a diversity of other academic and nonprofit organizations.
Guest Lecturer, speaking engagements include:
Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop • Independent Publishers of New England • New England Library Association • Dartmouth College • Women in Publishing • New Hampshire Romance Writers of America • Harvard Medical School CME • Road Scholars Program, Lifelong Learning Adventures • Burlington Writers Workshop • League of VT Writers • Bookstock, Woodstock VT • Miami Book Fair • National League of American PEN Women
Nominee, USA Fellowship Award; Pushcart Prize
For more info or to request an interview, talk, workshop, or retreat, please contact:
Joni B. Cole
One-Day Write-Away IN PERSON
Facilitator: Joni Cole
Saturday, February 22, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Quechee Inn at Marshland Farm, Quechee, VT
$178 (includes full breakfast and lunch, plus afternoon coffee/tea/snacks)
Open to 10 – 20 participants. Newbies and seasoned writers welcome. Leave all self-doubts at
the door.
Consider this Write-Away a mini conference, workshop, and retreat all in one fun, fruitful full
day. As part of the Write-Away you’ll have two 45-minute blocks to blissfully write
independently…together. (Prompts will be available if you need a jumpstart.) You’ll also have an
opportunity to share up to 300 words aloud for verbal feedback and appreciation to help you
write forward productively. In late afternoon (fortified by coffee, tea, treats, and a glorious view
of the Ottauquechee river), our guided revision workshop provides a hands-on opportunity for
you to rethink some pages-in-progress on both a structural and/or sentence level. Plus, our
communal closing session invites everyone to share their questions and wisdom on anything
related to the creative process, craft, and publishing.
For those interested in extending the Write-Away, feel free after 4:30 p.m. to gather by the
fireplace in the Quechee Inn’s cozy tavern room to keep the conversation flowing. The Quechee
Inn also has set off a small block of rooms at a discounted price for Write-Away participants who
want to stay overnight. To reserve a room call 802-295-3133.
To confirm your participation or request more info: email Or visit
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations before February 5, 2025 will receive a 100% refund.
Cancellations between February 5 – 15, 2025 will incur a 30% fee. Cancellations after February
15, 2025 are non-refundable. When you register for the One-Day Write-Away you agree to these
How to Write More, Write Better, and Be Happier:
Host a Full-Day Retreat (IN PERSON)
9 am – 4:30ish pm
$185/per attendee
Location: You pick! (Mileage negotiable)
Have workshop will travel! Groups who want to participate in a full-day retreat can simply provide a comfy, private space and I will tailor the day to your needs. Typically, the schedule involves workshopping pages, prompts, lessons on craft and the creative process, publishing tips, and other forms of inspiration and camaraderie. As part of the retreat, everyone is encouraged to bring 3-4 pages of writing to share for appreciation and quality critique, plus a brown-bag lunch. This one-day event is a great way to super-charge your writing and motivation. Minimum participation 5. Max 8. For further information, email
Party Planning!
Hey Book Groups, Speaker Seekers, and Writing Organizations...Let's Talk!
Why not invite the author of Party Like It's 2044 to speak at one of your upcoming meetings? These rich and diverse essays cover a lot of relatable and cultural issues to inspire conversation and connection, plus plenty of laughs. For writing groups, the book is also a good launching pad for discussions on craft and the creative process. Each talk can be tailored to your specific audience's needs. The event can be in person or virtual, depending on your location. To get the party started, just drop me an email at
Friday, October 25 – Sunday, October 27
Good Naked Weekend Write-Away IN PERSON
Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction, VT
Facilitator: Joni Cole
$395 (includes dinner Friday evening; breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday; Sunday light breakfast; plus snacks throughout the weekend)
$395 (includes dinner Friday evening; breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday; Sunday light breakfast; plus snacks throughout the weekend)
One of the most productive things we can do as writers is shed our fears and share our efforts. To that end, this gathering of about 20 writers (maximum 25) offers a weekend of interactive workshops, quality instruction, and lots of motivation and inspiration. Our prompt sessions provide a crash course on narrative craft. Plus, our workshop on revision, our feedback “salons” and other events offer tips on craft and the creative process that will serve you every draft of the way. Especially fun, our “Open Mic Openings” event gives you the opportunity to read aloud for appreciation and insights. Come. Write. And learn from our collective wisdom. Newbies and seasoned authors welcome. Please leave all self-doubts at the door. To confirm your participation or request more info: email
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations before September 8, 2024 will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations between September 8 – October 8, 2024 will incur a 30% fee. Cancellations after October 8, 2024 are non-refundable. When you register for the Good Naked Weekend Write-Away, you agree to these terms.
Friday, Sept. 27 7 pm
Norwich Bookstore, 291 Main Street, Norwich, Vermont
Wit, Wisdom, and a Writing Workshop
Come one, come all to this fun, interactive workshop, where you'll be invited to write from a “prompt” as a way to tap into your stories, your imagination, and all those good ideas just waiting to burst forth. Absolutely no writing experience is required, but for aspiring authors this workshop serves as a mini masterclass in narrative craft. After the writing exercise, those who are willing will be invited to read aloud for appreciation and insights. Bring something to write on/with, and leave all self-doubts at the door!
Friday, June 21, Woodstock, VT
5 PM at Soulfully Good Cafe,
Bookstock Literary Festival
Wit, Wisdom, and a Writing Workshop
In this fun, interactive workshop, you will be invited to write from a “prompt” as a way to tap into a deeper understanding of yourself, your stories, and all those good ideas just waiting to burst forth. Absolutely no writing experience is required, but for aspiring authors this workshop serves as a mini masterclass in narrative craft. After the writing exercise, those who are willing will be invited to read aloud for appreciation and insights. Come one, come all to be part of this creative community. Bring something to write on/with, and leave all self-doubts at the door!
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 7 p.m. EST
Norwich Inn, Main Street, Norwich, Vermont
Norwich (VT) Women's Club Reading and Q&A
Joni reads from her new collection Party Like It's 2044, and joins Carin Pratt, co-owner of the beloved Norwich Bookstore in a lively conversation about writing from life, where story ideas come from, and finding the funny in life and death.
January 18, 2024 7 - 8:30 pm EST
Women's Fiction Writers Association Webinar
How to Talk to a Writer: The Dos and Don'ts of Giving and Receiving Feedback
What is the power of positive feedback? Does brutal honesty ever serve the creative process? As writers, what is our role in the feedback interaction? In this interactive presentation, you can expect insights on how feedback--one of the most vital but misunderstood resources we have to feed our creativity--can help you write more, write better, and be happier every draft along the way.
Nov. 7 at 6 pm
Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, VT
Joni B. Cole in Conversation with Liza Bernard: Party Like It's 2044
Join us as we talk about the stories behind the stories that make up this collection of eclectic essays by acclaimed writer and teacher, Joni B. Cole. ("Vibrant, provocative, funny and flavorful...Cole’s deep and generous thinking makes room and fresh air: worth breathing deeply.”—Joan Frank, author of Late Work) Come for the conversation and leave with a prompt to tap into your own meaningful memories.
Friday, Oct. 13, Still North Books, Hanover, NH
7 - 8:30 p.m.
Workshop: Finding the Funny with Joni B. Cole
Whether it's funny ha ha or funny peculiar, life is full of memorable moments worth capturing on the page. Join us for this fun, interactive workshop that invites you to write from a prompt to tap into your own stories, humor, or just meaningful material. You'll also be invited to read aloud for appreciation and insights. Serious writers, newbies, people looking for something to do on a Friday, all are welcome! Also, enjoy half-off drink prices if you buy a copy of any one of Joni's books: Party Like It's 2044, Toxic Feedback, or Good Naked.
This event is free but registration is requested at Still North Books, 603-676-7846.
Wed, Oct. 18, Enfield Public Library, Enfield, NH
6 - 7:30 p.m.
Party Time
A Reading and Q&A with Author Joni B. Cole
Joni shares behind-the-scenes stories and excerpts from her acclaimed new collection of literary humor essays, Party Like It’s 2044: Finding the Funny in Life and Death. At once irreverent and thought provoking, Cole offers a joy ride through this collection of eclectic essays that lands smack on the sweet spot between soul searching and social commentary, between humor and heft.
Reservations requested but not required: (603) 632-7145
Thursday, September 28, Norwich Bookstore, Norwich VT
7:00 - 8 p.m
Book Launch: Party Like It's 2044
At once irreverent and thought provoking, Joni's new collection offers a joy ride through eclectic essays that land smack on the sweet spot between soul searching and social commentary, between humor and heft. Author, scholar, and humorist Gina Barreca, writes this about the book, “Fabulously readable and thoroughly engaging, it is Cole’s voice that makes her stories sing. Whether she’s leading us into laughter, or holding our hand through dazzling moments of emotional recognition, Cole takes writing seriously while taking herself lightly, and thereby illuminating the world with these memorable essays.” Readers can pre-order Party Like It's 2044 (pub date 9.15.23) wherever books are sold.
Friday, June 23, Woodstock, VT
5 - 6:30 p.m.
Bookstock Literary Festival
Wit, Wisdom, and a Writing Workshop
In this fun, interactive workshop, you will be invited to write from a “prompt” as a way to tap into a deeper understanding of yourself, your stories, and all those good ideas just waiting to burst forth. Absolutely no writing experience is required, but for aspiring authors this workshop serves as a mini masterclass in narrative craft. After the writing exercise, those who are willing will be invited to read aloud for appreciation and insights. Come one, come all to be part of this creative community. Bring something to write on/with, and leave all self-doubts at the door!
Wednesday, June 7, Norwich Bookstore, VT
7 p.m.
Toxic Feedback. (Not!)
A Workshop, a Book Launch, and a Celebration of the Creative Process
It's revised! It's expanded! It's a brand new edition of Toxic Feedback: Helping Writers Survive and Thrive by Joni B. Cole. To welcome the new release of this invaluable (and often hilarious) writing guide (“I can’t imagine a better guide to [writing’s] rewards and perils than this fine book.” —American Book Review), we're celebrating with a book signing and prompt workshop. Come one, come all to be part of this creative community. Bring something to write on/with, and leave all self-doubts at the door!
Saturday, June 3, Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH 10:15 AM to 11:45 AM
The 603 Conference -- New Hampshire Writers' Project
This is the Time When... A Workshop for Everyone with a Story to Tell
How do you turn a memory or life experience into a powerful essay? In this interactive workshop, you'll learn how to mine for meaningful material, hook your readers, structure your story for maximum effect, and elevate your anecdotes in a way that makes readers care, understand, think, laugh, relate, and be forever changed by your stories. Expect to write from a prompt and leave with plenty of tips and techniques for bringing your life to life on the page. This workshop welcomes beginners and seasoned authors. Bring something to write on/with and leave all self doubts at the door.
Thursday, May 11, 2023, Howe Library, Hanover, NH
6:30 - 8 p.m.
How to Hook an Agent or Editor: A Crash Course on Query Letters
This presentation shares tips on how to write a query letter that will entice an agent or editor to ask for more. You’ll learn what to include
(and not include) in your query, plus we'lloffer lots of other useful tips and examples for writers of both fiction and narrative nonfiction. This
event is hosted by Clamantis Literary Magazine and the Howe Library, and sponsored by the Dartmouth Writers Society. Open to all.
April 19, 2023
GOOD NAKED: Exposing Your Best Ideas by Writing from a Prompt
Women Business Owner's Network, Burlington, VT
Time: 11:30 - 1 pm
In this fun, interactive workshop, you will be invited to write from a “prompt” as a way to tap into a deeper understanding of yourself, your goals, and all those good ideas just waiting to burst forth. Absolutely no writing experience is required, just a willingness to participate in this positive and productive creative process. The only requirement is to just move the pen and be open to discovery. After the writing exercise, those who are willing will be invited to read aloud for appreciation and insights. Come one, come all. Bring something to write on/with, and leave all self-doubts at the door!
March 1, 2023
Good Naked: Exposing the Myths and Popular Practices that Undermine Your Creativity
Women in Publishing Summit
Time: 10 - 10:50 am (Room A)
Oh, the things we believe! So many of the ways we think we should write actually get in the way of a positive and fruitful creative process. This talk lays bare those counter-productive practices—most of them based on long-standing myths of how “real writers” work—and offers a host of ideas that can help you write more, write better, and, yes, even be happier. (Because who isn’t happier when writing more and writing better?) Expect to leave this lively, eye-opening session with lots of actionable do-this-not-that insights that will help you get started, stay motivated, inspire your creative process right through your final revision!
Monday, February 20, 2023
A Master Class on Narrative Craft (via a Prompt)
Guarini Commons, Anonymous Hall, Dartmouth College
6 - 7:30 p.m.
In this workshop for members of the Dartmouth Writers Society, participants will write from a prompt as a segue into a master class on the narrative techniques you can use to achieve powerful prose. You'll also leave with tips for productive revision, and ways to work with (not against) your creative process. Nonfiction and fiction writers welcome. Bring something to write on/with, and leave all self doubts at the door.
Wednesday February 22, 2023
Q&A for Emerging Writers
Howe Library, Hanover, NH
Hosted by Clamantis Literary Magazine and the Howe Library
6:30 - 8 p.m.
Come to this open forum with questions and insights in hand as we discuss everything from productive revision, to a happier creative process, to tips for emerging writers seeking publication. This event is sponsored by the Dartmouth Writers Society but is open to the public and all aspiring authors.
Friday, February 17, 2023
Wit, Wisdom, and a Writing Workshop
Orford Library, Orford, VT
5:30 - 7
In this fun, instructive workshop, you’re invited to write from a “prompt” and see what happens on the page. You'll also have the opportunity to share your effort aloud for verbal responses and appreciation. Expect to leave with lots of tips on craft, and how to enjoy a positive and productive creative process. Come one, come all, and leave all self-doubts at the door!
For more information, call the library at: 603.353.9166
or email:
Thursday February 16, 2023
Jumpstart Your Creativity: A Prompt Workshop
Enfield Public Library, Enfield, NH
12:30 - 2 p.m.
In this workshop you will write from a prompt and be invited to share for appreciation. Who knows what you’ll discover on the page—a memory, a riff, some interesting wordplay …? During the workshop, Joni will also share 5 insights on how to make the most of your own creative process in any endeavor.
Saturday, January 28, 2023
5 Tips for Productive Revision - League of Vermont Writers
We've all heard the adage: Writing is rewriting. But we all know the revision process can be fraught with wrong decisions or simply a sense of overwhelm. Where do you start when confronted with a messy manuscript? How do you continue to make inspired choices that move your work forward? What are some tricks to elevating your prose, especially when you're all too familiar with the material? This talk offers five key takeaways that will help you revise faster, smarter, and with more enjoyment. As part of this event, you'll be invited to share aloud 100 word excerpts (an opening or closing paragraph, a favorite or troublesome passage, a dialogue exchange, a short scene, etc.) from a work-in-progress to help exemplify some of the concepts in this talk.
For more information, visit
Tuesday, Dec. 6
Enfield Public Library, Enfield, NH
Story Gifts: A Prompt Workshop that Keeps on Giving
12:30 - 2 p.m.
In this workshop you will write from a prompt to tap into your stories, or simply discover the fun and freedom of capturing your thoughts on the page. Whether the result is a meaningful memory or simply a flow of thoughts, this writing is meant to celebrate your voice, and perhaps give you something to pass on to someone else– a story gift, if you will (in lieu of yet another fruitcake!).
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Independent Publishers and Authors of New England (IPNE)
Annual (Virtual) Conference
5 - 6 p.m.
Good Naked: Exposing the Myths and Practices that Undermine Your Creativity
Oh, the things we believe! So many of the ways we think we should write actually get in the way of a positive and fruitful creative process. In this talk, Joni lays bare those counter-productive shoulds—most of them based on long-standing myths of how “real writers” work—and replaces them with practices and mindsets that are foundational to helping all of us write more, write better, and be happier. Expect to leave this lively (semi-interactive) session with lots of actionable do-this-not-that insights that will inspire your creative process from the blank page to your final draft! For more info:
Friday, November 18, 2022
Still North Books, Hanover, NH
5:30 - 7 p.m.
FREE and open to all
Workshop: Sip-n-Prompt
Come if you love the experience of writing from a prompt to tap into your creativity and stories. Also come if you've never written from a prompt, to discover how fun and weirdly meaningful this experience can be. Everyone who cares to share will be invited to read aloud for appreciation and insights. Writers, newbies, people looking for something to do on a Friday, all are welcome and leave any self-doubts at the door!
Registration required at the bookstore.
Friday, Nov. 11 2022
Burlington Writers Workshop - Online
10 a.m. - noon
Good Naked: Wit, Wisdom, and a Writing Workshop
Don’t worry; there will be no shedding of clothes, but this lively, interactive session will expose the creative process in all its glory. Together, we’ll discover practical ways to mine meaningful material and make the most of the creative process from your first draft through your final revision. This workshop also serves as a mini masterclass on craft, with key takeaways that serve across genres. Come prepared to write in response to a guided prompt and share aloud your efforts for insights, feedback, and appreciation. Most importantly, leave all self doubts at the door.
Registration required:
Tuesday, Nov. 1
Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, VT
6 - 7:30 p.m.
Good Naked: Wit, Wisdom, and Writing Workshop
(Just in time for NaNoWriMo!)
Good Naked: Wit, Wisdom, and Writing Workshop (Just in time for NaNoWriMo!)
In this fun, instructive workshop, you’re invited to write from a “prompt” and see what happens on the page. You'll also have the opportunity to share your effort aloud for verbal responses and appreciation. Expect to leave with lots of tips on craft, and how to enjoy a positive and productive creative process. Come one, come all, and leave all self-doubts at the door!
October28, 2022
Still North Books, Hanover, NH
5:30 - 7 p.m.
FREE and open to all
Workshop: Sip-n-Prompt
Come if you love the experience of writing from a prompt to tap into your creativity and stories. Also come if you've never written from a prompt, to discover how fun and weirdly meaningful this experience can be. Everyone who cares to share will be invited to read aloud for appreciation and insights. Writers, newbies, people looking for something to do on a Friday, all are welcome and leave any self-doubts at the door!
To register:
October 20-22, 2022
Erma Bombeck Writers' Conference, Dayton, OH
Good Naked: Wit, Wisdom, and a Writing Workshop
This lively, interactive session exposes the creative process in all its glory. You'll discover practical ways to skirt self doubt, mine meaningful material, and make the most of the creative process from your first draft through your final revision. Come prepared to write in response to a guided prompt and share aloud your efforts for insights and appreciation. Bring something to write on and leave all self doubts at the door.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Women Business Owners Network Gratitude Conference
(In Person)
Location: Echo Leahy Center, Burlington, VT
11:30 - noon
Keynote Talk: Finding Gratitude in Unexpected Places
Our family and friends, our co-workers and employees, our teachers and mentors, our good fortune and successes…. Acknowledging all the good things in our life offers so many physical and psychological benefits. But what if we expanded our sense of gratitude to those people or circumstances that we typically think of as obstacles or setbacks... but end up offering surprising rewards?
For more info:
Saturday, Sept. 17
Burlington Writers Workshop - Online
5 Tips to Productive Revision10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Instructor: Joni B. Cole
We've all heard the adage: Writing is rewriting. But for too many aspiring authors the revision process is fraught with wrong decisions, or simply a sense of overwhelm. Where do you start when confronted with a messy manuscript? How do you continue to make inspired choices that move your work forward? What are some tricks to elevating your prose, especially when you're all too familiar with the material? This master class on revision offers five key takeaways that will help you revise faster, smarter, and with more enjoyment. As part of the class, participants will be invited to share aloud 100-150-word excerpts (an opening or closing paragraph, a favorite or troublesome passage, a dialogue exchange, a short scene, etc.) from a work-in-progress to help exemplify some of the concepts in this talk. Required reading: Good Naked: How to Write More, Write Better, and Be Happier
Registration required:
Tuesday, Sept. 13
Enfield Public Library, Enfield, NH
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Good Naked: Wit, Wisdom, and Writing Workshop
Come one, come all! Join author and writing teacher Joni B. Cole as she shares insights from her new release Good Naked: How to Write More, Write Better, and Be Happier. (“Who says books about writing have to be dull, dry, and pretentious?...In Good Naked, [Cole] is part teacher, part cheerleader, and part laugh-out-loud humorist. What’s not to love?” The Writer magazine). Cole, a seasoned workshop leader in MFA programs and writing conferences across the country, will lead participants in an interactive workshop that invites you to write from a “prompt” and see what happens. Expect to share your writing aloud for verbal responses, insights, and appreciation. Come. Have fun. Write on!
Sept. 1
Still North Books, Hanover, NH
5:30 - 7 p.m.
FREE and open to all
A Pub Date. A Prompt. A Party!
Come one, come all to this celebration of the creative process...and the pub date of the new and expanded version of Good Naked: How to Write More, Write Better, and Be Happier (listed as one of the “Best Books for Writers” by Poets & Writers magazine). Join author and writing teacher Joni B. Cole in this fun, interactive workshop where everyone writes from a prompt, shares aloud, and feels a whole lot happier than if they'd stayed home on the couch. Bring something to write on/with and leave all self doubts at the door.
PLUS! $2 Creative Juices Sangria when you buy the book!
Saturday April 23, 2022 - 10AM - Noon
Waterbury Public Library - 28 North Main Street Waterbury, VT
Good Naked: Wit, Wisdom, and a Writing Workshop
As part of this online gathering you will be invited to write from a “prompt” as a means of mining your own meaningful story material. Whether you consider yourself a writer, an artist, a wannabe, or an enthusiast for new experiences, this event offers participants a chance to uncover the creative potential within all of us. Come, learn, have fun, and leave your self doubts at the door.
For more info: (802) 244-7036